余黄 导师简历

导师简介:余黄,男,中共党员,博士,校聘教授,硕士导师。长期从事重金属污染物转化过程、调控机制研究及修复技术开发。研究成果在Environmental Science & Technology、Soil Biology and Biochemistry、The ISME Journal、Journal of Hazardous Materials等重要国际学术期刊上发表。主讲《环境工程微生物学》与《环境保护法律法规》课程。担任Frontiers in Microbiology、Frontiers in Marine Science客座编辑。
1. Yu Huang, Liu Shengwei, Zhang Dandan, Hu, Ruiwen, Chen, Pubo, Liu Huanping, Zhou Qiang, Tan Wenfa, Hu Nan, He Zhili, Ding Dexin*, Yan Qingyun*. Specific Enrichment of arsM-Carrying Microorganisms with Nitrogen Fixation and Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction Function Enhances Arsenic Methylation in Plant Rhizosphere Soil. Environmental Science & Technology, 2025, 59, 1647-1660.
2. Yu Huang#, Liu Shengwei#, Weng Wanlin, Peng Yijun, Cai Xinqi, Zhu Yu, Chen Pubo, Zhang
Dandan, Liu Huanping, Zeng Jiaxiong, Liu Songfeng, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. Generational Specific Recruitment of Arsenic- and Antimony-Reducing Microorganisms in Plant Root-Associated Niches for Adapting to Metalloid-Metal Pollution. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 16: 125-356, 2024.
3. Yu Huang#, He ZhenZhen#, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*, Shu longfei*. Soil amoebae selectively predate on metal-reducing bacteria and impact iron and chromium reduction. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 59: 9052-9062.
4. Yu, Huang#, Liu Xingyu#, Yang Chao, Peng Yisheng, Yu Xiaoli, Gu Hang, Zheng Xiafei, Wang Cheng, Xiao Fanshu, Shu Longfei, He Zhili, Wu Bo*, Yan Qingyun*. Co-symbiosis of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and diazotrophs promote biological nitrogen fixation in mangrove ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2021, 161: 0-108382.
5. Hu Nan, Xiao Fangfang, Zhang Dandan, Hu Ruiwen, Xiong Rui, Lv Wenpan, Yang Zhaolan, Tan Wenfa, Yu Huang* Ding Dexin, Yan Qingyun, He Zhili. Organophosphorus mineralizing-Streptomyces species underpins uranate immobilization and phosphorus availability in uranium tailings. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024: 134975.
6. Yu Huang, Zheng Xiafei, Weng Wanlin, Yan Xizhe, Chen Pubo, Liu Xingyu, Peng Tao, Zhong Qiuping, Xu Kui, Wang Cheng, Shu Longfei, Yang Tony, Xiao Fanshu, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. Synergistic effects of antimony and arsenic contaminations on bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities in the rhizosphere of Miscanthus sinensis: Insights for nitrification and carbon mineralization. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 411: 125094.
7. Yu Huang, Yan Xizhe, Weng Wanlin, Xu Sihan, Xu Guizhi, Gu Tianyuan, Guan Xiaotong, Liu Shengwei, Chen Pubo, Wu Yongjie, Xiao Fanshu, Wang Cheng, Shu Longfei, Wu Bo, Qiu Dongru, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. Extracellular proteins of Desulfovibrio vulgaris as adsorbents and redox shuttles promote biomineralization of antimony. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 426: 127795.
8. Yu Huang#, Zhong Qiuping#, Peng Yisheng, Zheng Xiafei, Xiao Fanshu, Wu Bo, Yu Xiaoli, Luo Zhiwen, Shu Longfei, Wang Cheng, Yan Qingyun*, He Zhili*. Environmental filtering by pH and salinity drives prokaryotic community assembly in coastal wetland sediments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 8.
9. Yu Huang, Yan Xizhe, Zheng Xiafei, Xu Kui, Zhong Qiuping, Yang Tony, Liu Feifei, Wang Cheng, Shu Longfei, He Zhili, Xiao Fanshu*, Yan Qingyun*. Differential distribution of and similar biochemical responses to different species of arsenic and antimony in Vetiveria zizanioides. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2020, 42: 3995-4010.
10. Gu Tianyuan#, Yu Huang#, Li Fang, Weimin Zeng, Xueling Wu, Li Shen, Runlan Yu, Yuandong Liu, Jiaokun Li*. Antimony-oxidizing bacteria alleviate Sb stress in Arabidopsis by attenuating Sb toxicity and reducing Sb uptake. Plant and Soil, 2020, 452:397-412.
11. Zhang Dandan, Yu Huang, Yang Yuchun, Liu Fei, Li Mingyue, Huang Jie, Yu Yuhe, Wang Cheng, Feng Jiang, He Zhili and Yan Qingyun*. Ecological interactions and the underlying mechanism of anammox and denitrification across the anammox enrichment with eutrophic lake sediments. Microbiome, 2023, 11, 82.
12. Liu Shenwei, Zeng Jiaxiong, Yu Huang, Cheng Wang, Yang, Yunfeng, Wang Jianjun, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. Antimony efflux underpins phosphorus cycling and resistance of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in mining soils. The ISME Journal, 2023, 17: 1278-1289.
13. Zhang Dandan, Li Mingyue, Yang Yuchun, Yu Huang, Xiao Fanshu, Mao Chengzhi, Huang Jie, Yu Yuhe, Wang Yunfeng, Wu Bo, Wang Cheng, Shu Longfei, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. Nitrite and nitrate reduction drive sediment microbial nitrogen cycling in a eutrophic lake. Water Research, 2022, 118637.
14. Zhang Dandan, Liu Fei, Al Mamun Abdullah, Yang Yuchun, Yu Huang, Li Mingyue, Wu Kun, Niu Mingyang, Wang Cheng, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. Nitrogen and sulfur cycling and their coupling mechanisms in eutrophic lake sediment microbiomes. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 928: 172518.
15. Liu Shengwei, Yu Huang, Yu Yuhe, Huang Jie, Zhou Zhengyuan, Zeng Jiaxiong, Chen Pubo, Xiao Fanshu, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. Ecological stability of microbial communities in Lake Donghu regulated by keystone taxa. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 136: 108695.
16. Liu Xingyu, Yang Chao, Yu Xiaoli, Yu Huang, Zhuang Wei, Gu Hang, Xu Kui, Zheng Xiafei, Wang Cheng, Xiao Fanshu, Wu Bo, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. Revealing structure and assembly for rhizophyte-endophyte diazotrophic community in mangrove ecosystem after introduced Sonneratia apetala and Laguncularia racemosa. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 721:137807.
17. Tan Wenfa*, Wu Han, Huang Chuqin, Lv Junwen, Yu Huang. Utilization of nickel-graphite electrode as an electron donor for high-efficient microbial removal of solved U(VI) mediated by Leifsonia sp. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2024, 273: 107398.
18. Su Erxin, Wu Yongjie, Chen Pubo, Yu Huang, Liu, Shengwei, Luo Hongtian, Yang Yufeng, Wang Cheng, Wu Bo, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. Dietary selenium regulates the diversity and stability of microbial communities in stomach and intestine of rabbitfish (Siganus oramin). Aquaculture, 2023, 563: 738979.
19. Chen Pubo, Huang Jie, Rao Liuyu, Zhu Wengen, Yu Yuhe, Xiao Fanshu, Yu Huang, Wu Yongjie, Hu Ruiwen, Liu Xingyu, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. Environmental effects of nanoparticles on the ecological succession of gut microbiota across zebrafish development. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 806:150963.
20. Wang Mingwei, Vollstedt Christel, Siebels Bente, Yu Huang, Wu Xueling, Shen Li, Li Jiaokun, Liu Yuandong, Yu Runlan, Streit Wolfgang R., Zeng Weimin*. Extracellular proteins enhance Cupriavidus pauculus nickel tolerance and cell aggregate formation. Bioresource Technology, 2024, 393: 130133.